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We're followers of Jesus committed to loving God and all people. Our faith community seeks to build up God's kingdom through daily living, public witness, active support of the people and practices of the church, and spiritual growth as disciples of Christ. 

Services and special presentations from
Houston Mennonite Church in Houston, Texas.

Oct 17, 2022

Bill Ogden is a retired lawyer. (He says he's a "recovering" lawyer.) Bill is currently working with Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM) after 45 years of practicing law in Houston.  Before retiring from law practice in September 2019, Bill was a job coach volunteer at MAM for 6 years. He now serves as the staff liaison between MAM and its 35 member congregations.  He loves his "encore career," working with people of different faiths in a common cause to support the families in need within our community.


Scripture Readings (The Inclusive Bible)

Mark 12:28-34

* Note: The Inclusive Bible is not available online


The Blessing


