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We're followers of Jesus committed to loving God and all people. Our faith community seeks to build up God's kingdom through daily living, public witness, active support of the people and practices of the church, and spiritual growth as disciples of Christ. 

Services and special presentations from
Houston Mennonite Church in Houston, Texas.

Jul 19, 2021

"What matters is not how we define God but how God defines us. God asks that we do what he, or she, or they, tell us to do with our lives and our gifts no matter which worldly societies believe we are less-than, believe we shouldn't speak, believe we are not worth listening to. [...] What matters is hewing to what God demands of us..."

Summer Witness: Katharine Jager-Rubinson, Associate Professor of English, University of Houston

PDF of Message Slides

Scripture Readings (NIV, AMP, The Message)

Galatians 3:28 NIV

Galatians 3:28 AMP

Galatians 3:28 MSG


Spirit of The Living God (Lyrics)

Text and Music: Daniel Iverson

Message Transcript

